Beyond Bots is Back!

Your NEW Monday & Friday Go-to for AI

Hey everyone, we’re back!

I took a break since last August to focus on building my solo AI agency, and now it’s time to dive back into sharing insights and stories from the AI world with all of you.

I've been heads down, getting hands-on with AI, which meant the newsletter had to take a backseat. But, it’s always been about sharing this journey with you.

So, I’m happy to announce that we're relaunching the newsletter starting April 15, 2024. You can expect editions hitting your inbox every Monday and Friday, packed with the latest developments and their impact on our lives.

In addition to the newsletter, I’ve started a YouTube channel where I’ll sporadically drop content on AI topics—nothing regular just yet, but it’s another place to connect and discuss the AI landscape. Stay tuned for updates and feel free to subscribe for some extra AI goodness.

Looking forward to picking up where we left off and diving into all things AI with you again. See you in your inbox (and maybe on YouTube) soon.

This newsletter aims to educate, inspire, and engage the readers, sparking interest in the AI Revolution's potential and its role in driving positive development across various domains.

- Mark Kashef