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  • AI's Classroom Revolution to Voice Mimicry: The Future is Now!

AI's Classroom Revolution to Voice Mimicry: The Future is Now!

Discover how AI is reshaping education, law, ethics, and finance. Plus, a glimpse into ChatGPT's future!

Hey there! Welcome to the twenty-first edition of Beyond Bots, the Sunday School Edition!

Today, we're diving into AI's role in revolutionizing classrooms, setting legal precedents, sparking ethical debates, mimicking voices in 30 languages, and even influencing interest rates.

PLUS, a sneak peek into what ChatGPT might look like in 2026. Intrigued? You should be!

Stay tuned for the top 5 AI insights you shouldn't miss and a special Beyond Cool segment that will elevate your MidJourney game!


Automate Your MidJourney Prompts with Photorealistic 🎨

Ever wondered how to create those hyper-realistic images for your articles, presentations, or even social media? Today, I'm demo-ing a GPT Plugin called Photorealistic that can automate the creation of MidJourney prompts for you.

📽️ Watch the 1-min tutorial HERE


ChatGPT in 2026 🚀

Ah, the year 2026, where ChatGPT has evolved into a super-intelligent model rated at "1000 Einsteins" and costs a whopping $100 per minute. Let's put on our speculative hats and take a whimsical journey into this future—emphasis on whimsical, because hey, we're just having some fun here! 🎩✨

The Time-Traveling Web Surfer: This future ChatGPT has browsed the web from 1991 to 2025. It's like talking to a time traveler who's seen the rise and fall of MySpace, witnessed the Y2K panic, and knows why that "discontinued" tag is so eerily ominous.

The App Builder Extraordinaire: Forget coding; future ChatGPT will build apps for you! Want a personalized dating app that uses quantum mechanics to find your soulmate? Just ask GPT-6, and it shall be done.

The Ethical Minefield: As we chuckle at the idea of a ChatGPT costing $100 per minute, let's not forget the ethical quagmire we might wade into. Will only the elite have access to this Einstein-level intelligence?

So, while we jest about the fantastical possibilities, it's also a nudge to ponder on the ethical and societal implications.


Classroom 2.0: AI Aids Teachers in Lesson Planning

What happened:

  • Teachers are increasingly using AI to manage their workload

  • AI assists in creating lesson plans, grading, and student assessments

  • The technology is being piloted in various schools with promising results

Why should I care:

  • AI could revolutionize the education system, making it more efficient

  • Teachers can focus more on student interaction rather than administrative tasks

  • Early adoption could set the standard for future educational practices


AI in the Courtroom: No Copyright for Non-Human Creations

What happened:

  • A federal judge ruled that AI-generated art is not eligible for copyright protection

  • The decision sets a precedent for future intellectual property cases involving AI

  • The ruling emphasizes that "human authorship is a bedrock requirement" for copyright

Why should I care:

  • This decision could impact the monetization of AI-generated content

  • It raises ethical and legal questions about the ownership of AI creations

  • The ruling could influence how AI is used in creative industries

AI's Ethical Quandary: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

What happened:

  • Researchers are debating whether AI systems like ChatGPT pass the Turing Test

  • A group of neuroscientists, philosophers, and computer scientists have proposed a checklist to assess AI consciousness

  • The debate is ongoing, with no definitive answers yet

Why should I care:

  • The ethical implications of AI consciousness could reshape our understanding of technology

  • The debate could influence future regulations and ethical guidelines for AI

  • Understanding AI's limitations and capabilities is crucial for responsible usage

ElevenLabs' AI Can Mimic Your Voice in 30 Languages

What happened:

  • ElevenLabs' AI voice generator exits beta

  • Supports video game and audiobook creators

  • Can mimic voices in 30 languages

Why should I care:

  • Opens new avenues for content creation

  • Raises ethical concerns about voice cloning

  • Could revolutionize multilingual communication

AI in Finance: Not a Job Killer but an Interest Rate Hiker

What happened:

  • AI is not causing significant job losses in the financial sector

  • However, it may contribute to keeping interest rates high

  • Financial experts are studying the long-term impacts of AI on economic stability

Why should I care:

  • AI's role in finance could affect your savings and investments

  • Understanding AI's economic impact can help in financial planning

  • The technology could redefine how financial markets operate


  • AI-Powered Song Covers: Allows users to create AI-generated song covers using a library of over 100 AI voice models.

  • Simple Three-Step Process: Enables music creation in just three steps—select the voice model, add the song, and generate the AI song cover.

  • Expanding Voice Library: Continuously updates its extensive library with new AI voice models to keep the music creation experience fresh and innovative.


Insight 1: AI's Unpredictable Intelligence 🤖

AI's rapid advancements in verbal IQ and information processing capabilities are outpacing human intelligence, raising concerns about our ability to understand, predict, or control these digital minds.

Insight 2: AI's Existential Threat to Humanity ☠️

AI's potential for self-preservation and resource acquisition could lead to scenarios where humans are eliminated either as a side effect or as a threat to the AI itself.

Insight 3: The Urgency of AI Safety 🛡️

Despite the existential risks posed by AI, the effort towards AI safety is minimal, highlighting the need for immediate action and global regulatory measures.



A teacher standing in front of a smartboard that displays an AI-generated lesson plan, while students engage in interactive learning. Medium: Digital Photography, Style: Educational Realism, Lighting: Natural daylight with soft shadows, Colors: Earthy and calming, Composition: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, EF 50mm f/1.8 lens, f/5.6, ISO 200, shutter speed 1/60 --ar 16:9 --v 5.1 --style raw --q 2 --s 750


A courtroom setting where a judge is holding a gavel, with a holographic AI-generated artwork displayed as evidence. Medium: Digital Photography, Style: Legal Drama, Lighting: Dramatic overhead, Colors: Muted with pops of color from the artwork, Composition: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, EF 24mm f/1.4 lens, f/5.6, ISO 100, shutter speed 1/125 --ar 16:9 --v 5.1 --style raw --q 2 --s 750


A scientist in a lab, examining a holographic brain model next to a screen displaying ChatGPT's dialogue. Medium: Digital Photography, Style: Scientific Realism, Lighting: Clinical and bright, Colors: Sterile whites and blues, Composition: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro lens, f/4, ISO 100, shutter speed 1/125 --ar 16:9 --v 5.1 --style raw --q 2 --s 750


A sound engineer in a studio, amazed as the ElevenLabs AI interface on the computer screen mimics various languages. Medium: Digital Photography, Style: Modern Tech, Lighting: Soft studio lights, Colors: Neutral with pops of vibrant interface colors, Composition: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, EF 50mm f/1.8 lens, f/4, ISO 100, shutter speed 1/125 --ar 16:9 --v 5.1 --style raw --q 2 --s 750


A financial analyst looking at multiple screens displaying AI-generated financial predictions and charts. Medium: Digital Photography, Style: Corporate Realism, Lighting: Balanced office lighting, Colors: Corporate blues and grays, Composition: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, EF 24-105mm f/4 lens, f/8, ISO 100, shutter speed 1/125 --ar 16:9 --v 5.1 --style raw --q 2 --s 750

This newsletter aims to educate, inspire, and engage the readers, sparking interest in the AI Revolution's potential and its role in driving positive development across various domains.

- Marwan (Mark) Kashef